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Téma: Akcie NWR
přečíst (4) 06.01.09 16:39  TDH  (129386)


  10.11.2008 UHLÍ    201,58       NWR  108,86

  06.01.2009 UHLÍ    205,76       NWR    85          přepočet  111,11 

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Téma: Akcie NWR
přečíst (1) 06.01.09 12:56  TDH  (14961)

cena uhlí 2009

Dle posledního vývoje vypadá,že už jsou někomu známy ceny na rok 2009 uzavřených OKD.

cena dle info + 5 % roku 2008   uhlí

                    +9% koks 

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Téma: Akcie NWR
přečíst (2) 09.12.08 17:51  TDH  (129386)

NWR ceny uhlí?

prodejní cena 2007 104,3 eura za 1 tunu

prodejní cena 2008 164 eura za 1 tunu do 3q.

prodejní cena 2009 128 eura za 1 tunu aktualně

můj předpoklad cca 160 euro za 1 tunu

Co Váš odborný odhad?

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (5) 02.12.08 11:38  TDH  (14961)


254.500 +23.25 +10.05%
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Téma: Akcie NWR
přečíst (2) 10.11.08 18:47  TDH  (129386)


Puda uhlí oznamuje Strong výsledky třetí čtvrtiny
Pondělí listopad 10, 7:00 ráno ET

Q3 příjem vzestupy 83% a čistý příjem leze na 94% rok přes rok

TAIYUAN, Shanxi, Čína, listopad 10 /Xinhua PRNewswire- FirstCall/ - - Puda Coal, Inc . (OTC vývěska: PUDC - Zprávy ), dodavatel čínského prvotřídního metalurgického koksárenského uhlí použitého pro výrobu koksu za účelem výroby ocelí, dnes oznámily jeho silné finanční výsledky pro čtvrt skončila září 30, 2008 .

Třetí čtvrtina 2008 hlavních námětů - - příjem třetí čtvrtiny dosáhla záznamu $74.1 milion, nahoru 82.7% z třetí čtvrtiny minulého roku - - provozní příjem sečtený $9.0 milion, nahoru 63.1% z třetí čtvrtiny minulého roku - - čistý příjem byl $6.5 milion nebo $0.06 za plně zředěný podíl, nahoru 94.3% z $3.4 milion, nebo $0.03 za plně zředěný podíl, pro třetí čtvrtinu minulý rok - - prodeje obohaceného uhlí sečtené 603,000 tuny (MT), nahoru 22.6% z třetí čtvrtiny minulého roku - - průměrná prodejní cena obohaceného uhlí vstávalo 35.2% asi $123 za MT (po regulování pro kurzové rozdíly) z třetí čtvrtiny minulého roku - - vypuštěný nový korporační websajt: www.pudacoalinc.com -- Pro přítomný v Rodman & Renshaw Annual Global Investment Conference v New Yorku a provádí ne -- jednací externí divadlo v USA v listopadu

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Téma: Akcie NWR
přečíst (0) 05.11.08 17:40  TDH  (129386)



Zemězpytné zkoumání zahajuje v Debiensko v Polsku

Amsterodam, 5 listopad 2008 - Zdroje Nového světa N.V. ("NWR" nebo "

Společnost"), centrální evropský vedoucí výrobce antracitu, oznámil to

Karbonia PL Sp. Z.o.o. ("Karbonia"), jeho zcela vlastněný polský pomocný, má

zahájit přípravné práce pro zemězpytné zkoumání Debiensko oblasti v

jižní Polsko.

Toto je první stupeň v procesu ohodnocování životaschopnosti rozvíjení znovu

dolovat v Debiensko, a se poskládá z vrtání dva 100 metru hluboké vyvrtané díry

zemězpytné nálezy z těchto hloubkových vrtů budou sloužit jako základ pro příprava

plná zemězpytná sbírka dokumentů stejně jako technické plány pro budoucí hloubení jámy.

Přípravné práce jsou také plující pro vrtání 1,400 metru hluboká vyvrtaná díra

požadoval pro hornické studium. Polská společnost Dalbis Sp. Z.o.o. byl

zkrácený k tomu, aby podnikl počáteční zemězpytnou průzkumnou práci.

26 června 2008, NWR, přes Karbonia, byl udělený 50- roku licence k mému

Debiensko oblast Polský Ministry Environment. Poskytnutí Debiensko

licence byla významná milník v NWR- ovo strategii vyvinout dlouhodobé

výrobní růst a rezervní růst skrz oblastní expanzi a organickou

růst na jeho existující doly v České republice.

Debiensko je umístěný v jižním Polsku blízko NWR- ovo existujících operací v

Česká republika, a je předpokládaný, že má přibližně 190 milion tun

rezervy, podstatně ze kterých všechny jsou koksárenské uhlí.

on dolování koncept je plně vyhovující s místními předpisy, a byl schválený

Kancelář Governor Katowicea stejně jako Polský Ministry Environment v

Září 2007.

WR'S neřízená mina konzultanti, J.T. Boyd, aktuálně připravuje

projektový úkol pro Debiensko. Company- ovo odhadovaná investice pro plně

vývoj Debiensko projektu zůstal nezměněný v mezi EUR 600

milion a EUR 800 milionu v období příštích čtyř k šesti let.


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přečíst (0) 27.12.06 20:51  TDH  (101156)


68 EQUITIES / SPRING 2006ON THE MOVE CORPORATE PROFILESSystems Evolution, Inc. OTC BB: SEVI.OB10777 Westheimer Road, Suite 810, Houston, Texas 77042Phone: 713-979-1600 • Fax: 713-979-1636 • info@systemsevolution.comContact: Mike Campbell713-979-1600, ext. 108 • investor.relations@systemsevolution.comTOP 10 INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTSR SEVI’s Consulting Division is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with competenciesin Data Management, Information Worker, Networking Infrastructure andSoftware Advisor solutionsR SEVI holds a Master Services Agreement with Microsoft CorporationR SEVI’s management team has extensive IT and staffing backgroundR SEVI reported operational profits for November 2005, December 2005 andJanuary 2006R SEVI has not lost a bid in the State of Texas in the last three yearsR SEVI experienced 472 percent growth between 2003 and 2005R SEVI was recognized as the #1 fastest growing high tech company in Houstonat the Houston Business Journal’s Fast Tech 50 awards, November 2005R Next Hire Consultants achieved over $100,000 in revenue per month fromoperations in December 2005, January and February 2006R SEVI’s services and divisions are synergistic and mutually beneficialR SEVI’s methods, technology and infrastructure are modular and scalable and canbe easily replicated as the company expandsCORPORATE OVERVIEWSystems Evolution Inc. (“SEVI”) is apublicly held professional services organizationfounded in 1993 that providessoftware development solutions,Enterprise Project Management consulting,managed network support andpermanent placement. Through its twodivisions and integrated practices, SEVIbuilds, manages, maintains and staffslarge-scale technology projects. The firmcurrently has 42 full time employees and11 contract employees.Systems Evolution’s ConsultingDivision is comprised of three integratedpractices: Solutions, EnterpriseProject Management and ManagedServices. As a Master ServicesAgreement provider and one of only200 Microsoft Gold Partners nationwide,SEVI receives the benefit of bothbusiness and marketing support fromMicrosoft and is currently responding tostate bids for multi-year projects.The Solutions Practice, headed byD. Scott Friesen, currently works primarilywith the State of Texas providingturnkey technology solutions. Fromregulation and document research toproject planning, architecture anddevelopment, the practice buildslicensing applications, software andhardware solutions.SEVI launched its Enterprise ProjectManagement Practice (EPM), headedby Craig Crawford, on January 15,2006. EPM provides consulting andexpertise in the field of project management.Efficient management of largescaleprojects can be integrated withcomputer installations and tied in withMicrosoft Project software.Systems Evolution purchased CMSTechnology Services in July 2004 tocreate its San Antonio-based ManagedServices Practice, which is headedby Mitchell R. Sowards. ManagedServices provides proactive hardware,software and network monitoring andmaintenance and has received goodpress in San Antonio for its proactiveapproach.Houston-based Next HireConsultants, Inc. is a permanentplacement and staffing company anda wholly owned subsidiary of SystemsEvolution, Inc. Purchased in 2004 andheaded by its founder, Bob C. Johnson,Next Hire places full-time oil and gasengineering staff. To take advantage ofhiring cycles, Next Hire also places civilengineers and, more recently, technologyproject staff. With low unemployment,and over 75 percent of today’s engineersplanning retirement in the nextseven years, Next Hire has a “hugenumber of open job orders—morethan we’ve seen in the last two years,”according to CEO, Robert Rhodes. NextHire has shown a profit for the lastthree months and projects revenues of$1.7 million for the 12 months ending12/31/06. Next Hire plans to open anAustin office in June 2006.SEVI has undertaken two majorfundraisings: $1.825 million on August31, 2004 and $1.5 million on December31, 2004. Those funds allowed SEVI topurchase five companies, which representall of its current business. Thecompany anticipates that additionalfunds and profits will contribute tonecessary working capital.Its modular and scalable methodologies,technology, and infrastructureallow SEVI to serve as a regional consultancywith tremendous opportunity forcontinuous growth within its area ofexpertise. With stated goals of profitability,financial stability and corporatestability, SEVI has improved its cash flow,restructured management, and refinedits services to assure that each divisionand each practice is profitable for thecorporation.ADVERTISINGEQUITIES / SPRING 2006 69MANAGEMENTRobert C. Rhodes, CEO & PresidentMr. Rhodes has previously held positionsat the BSG Alliance/IT and at SoftwareIntegration Consulting Group. Hefounded SEVI’s Texas operating corporation,which made extensive use of mentoringand training techniques toadvance consulting services for knowledgetransfer and the implementationof technical architecture.Bob C. Joh ...
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určitě nečíst (3) 19.12.06 19:43  TDH  (101156)




As of May 19, 2005 Latest SEC Filings December 31, 2004

Share Price: $0.09 Revenues (ttm): $2.17* m

52-Wk Range: $.05 -$0.75 Gross Profit (ttm): $148,972

Mkt. Cap: $6.68 m Net Loss (ttm): ($867,372)

Shares Outstanding: 74.2 m Revenues (Q ended 12/31/2004): $728,954

Float: 30 m Gross Profit (Q ended 12/31/2004): $11,756

Net Loss (Q ended 12/31/2004): ($164,476)

Cash on Hand (Q ended 12/31/2004): $773,346

*Fiscal 2005 revenues were $2.44 million, 10K will be filed by June 30


Clickable Enterprises, Inc


Prepared by:


MCC Financial Services, Inc.


Clickable Enterprises, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, ClickableOil.com, is one of the first Internetbased

home heating oil companies. The Company is pursuing a unique strategy in an old-line traditional

business. The Company leverages the Internet and proprietary order processing and pricing software to

offer its customers well-priced home heating oil. ClickableOil.com specializes in price control, risk

management, and product positioning, leaving the physical transportation of the product to speciallychosen

vendors. This business model allows the Company to offer the most competitive pricing on home

heating oil, as well as user-friendly service. Clickable Enterprises is also positioned to replicate its sales,

pricing, and delivery model for energy products other than oil, ie. electricity, natural gas, etc.

The home heating oil market in the Northeast of the United States is a $12 billion market. The Company

currently sells home heating oil in the metropolitan New York area and plans to continue its growth

geographically throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and eventually the entire Northeast.




? Unique Sales Model In Home Heating Oil Industry:

has introduced a unique business and sales model into the traditional home heating oil industry. The

industry has been characterized by small local vendors who take possession of the oil, own the trucks

that deliver the oil, provide bundled services in pricing the oil, and deliver on generous credit terms.

Alternatively, ClickableOil.com is the first web-based home heating oil seller that uses the Internet to

receive and process orders and pricing. The Company receives payment upfront, thus avoiding the

collection issues that have slowed the growth of many companies in the industry. ClickableOil.com

generally pays for the oil after it collects the funds from its customers. This structure enables the

Company to carry very low receivable balances and a nearly zero cost of collection. The resultant

savings is one of the factors that helps ClickableOil.com reduce the cost of the oil to its customer.

ClickableOil.com uses select local vendors to deliver the oil, thus avoiding maintaining a costly fleet of

trucks, as well as allowing the Company to reach customers in a wider geographic area.

Clickable Enterprises, through ClickableOil.com,

? Potential For Regional Growth In Fragmented Industry:

their trucks and do not deliver beyond one day’s travel for the truck. Through its reach on the Internet,

ClickableOil.com can take orders from new customers in a broader geographic area and outsource the

delivery to other companies. Home heating oil is used throughout the Northeast, an annual $12 billion

market. The Company plans to grow geographically in New Y ...

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spíše nečíst (1) 14.12.06 17:13  TDH  (101156)


Filed Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3) Registration Statement No. 333-128323 SUPPLEMENT TO PROSPECTUS DATED AUGUST 7, 2006 CHINA MOBILITY SOLUTIONS, INC. 29,214,458 Shares of Common Stock On August 15, 2006, an aggregate of $3,350,000 of Senior ConvertibleDebentures (the "Debentures") of China Mobility Solutions, Inc. (the "Company")matured. The Company has sufficient cash on hand and intends to repay theDebentures in their entirety with accrued interest except for individualDebenture holders who have agreed to extend their maturity date. The Company received letters from the attorneys for two holders of anaggregate $875,000 principal amount of Debentures stating that the Company wasin default under the Debentures as a result of its failure to pay principal plusinterest thereon. One of such debentureholders is in the process of obtaining adefault judgment against the Company for $500,000 principal amount of Debentureplus interest and expenses. The Company had paid all interest on the Debenturesaccrued through August 15, 2006. Interest accrued on the Debentures thoughmaturity, at the rate of not less than 6% per annum equal to the sum of 2% perannum plus the one month LIBOR rate. From the maturity date of August 15, 2006,interest on outstanding principal amount of Debentures and unpaid accruedinterest accrues at the rate of 12% per annum. The Company disclosed in a Current Report on Form 8-K for August 31,2006, that it had applied to the banking authorities (State Administration ofForeign Exchange ("SAFE")) in the People's Republic of China to convert itssubsidiaries' funds into U.S. dollars and repay the Debentures. The Company'soperating subsidiary in China has advised the Company that its application toSAFE to withdraw the funds from China has been denied. On October 25, 2006, theCompany retained the law firm of Wyatt & Wang in Beijing to assist it complywith the Beijing Rule of Liquidation of companies with foreign investment (the"Rule of Liquidation"). The Company has been advised that the Rule ofLiquidation is the sole means of assuring repayment of the Debentures. TheCompany does not believe it will affect its subsidiaries' business operations asreorganized. The Company has begun the process to submit an application for suchliquidation to the Bureau of Ministry of Commerce ("BOMOC"). The liquidationwill take between 180 to 270 days. Part of the reason for the delay is therequirement of the liquidator to appoint an auditor to do the appraisal of anevaluation of the assets of the Company and to submit such appraisal to theBOMOC for its approval.Dated: December 14, 2006Copyright © 2006 QuoteMedia. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.Market Data powered by QuoteMedia, www.quotemedia.com, SEC filings by 10kWizard.
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přečíst (3) 01.12.06 20:47  TDH  (101156)


Prosím o informaci možné koupě cp sevi.pk přes FIO.Nejde zadet cena nižší nežli 0,01 UDS.Aktualní kurz 0,0011 USD/ks.

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