Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele Aussie Czech Shareholder

Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele Aussie Czech Shareholder. Výpis příspěvků 11 až 20 (119)

Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (60) 27.02.18 01:00  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (191650)

Vote on Czech Government sell down of it's OKD coal mines shareholding.

www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=5a949d5be4b04e95a4b0 ...   

27th Feb 2018 Do you feel that OKD coal mines were sold at market prices in the Czech Goverment minority shareholding sale in 2004. And also in the majority shareholding sold in the 1990s.

Vote yes, if you feel OKD coal mines where was sold at fair market prices. Which fact show is true !.

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (337) 24.02.18 09:38  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (191650)

OKD Never ending Incompetence

Well on behalf of all the petition signers here, It's good to see some of Czech media say there's a point of view and start asking about "Never Ending Incompetence" in all matters about OKD.OKD the fake declineAnswer: Everyone coking coal for OKD in the first quarter of 2017. In comparative Euro prices terms were at a world record high!Thermal coal prices have also been at high, very profitable price's too. OKD is so lucky to have such highly profitable products that it can easily sell.OKD is lucky for China's economic boom to support these high prices.OKD is allegedly unlucky to have such INCOMPETENT management. Who we alleged are not able to do what is right and needed at OKD.We ask for the Administrator Lee Louda, the Creditors Committee, and the Supervisory Board of OKD all to be terminated. And all need to be investigated for alleged conspiracy to destroy and damage OKD. Just as the former owners Zdenek Bakala and the AHG GroupWe ask the Czech Courts and the media, and any politician who believe in our cause to help.With OKD saved from a fake decline.OKD shareholders, and all your employees need your help.OKD will and will be producing coal for 50-100 years from now.OKD declines and closures in 2023 is "FAKE".STOP THE FAKE NEWSSTOP THE MISINFORMATION IN CZECH MEDIASTOP THE DISINFORMATION IN CZECH REPUBLICSTOP OKD 'S COAL MINES FAKED DECLINE. SHOW THE TRUTH OF THE NEVER-ENDING INCOMPETENCE AT OKD!STOP THE THIEVERY OF OKD FROM US MINORITY SHAREHOLDERS OF NEW WORLD RESOURCES.STOP 9,500 OKD EMPLOYEE'S FROM LOSING WAS JOBS IN 2023. AND THE ALLEGED 2000+ JOBS WERE LOST AT THE END OF 2018 AT OKD.Jaromír Soukup will offer you a completely new look at the OKD case. Coal mining in the Czech Republic has fallen from more than 13 million tonnes to just under 7 million tonnes in 2016. And far worse, in the last sixteen years, 24,000 jobs have been lost in the industry, a drop of 59 percent. I will say it in one word "INCOMPETENCE".

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (194) 15.02.18 13:56  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (191650)

OKD since November 2017 has no money owing to Czech Government Priko 0KC Debt

https://www.novinky.cz/ekonomika/463452-prisko-prevezme-okd-do-pololeti.html -***MUST READ*** 15th February 2018 -In mid-August 2016, the company lent OKD 150 million crowns.
"Thanks to the improved management, the company has not used any money and in November 2017 all the money has returned," Klásek confirmed. OKD has not borrowed any Czech Government Money!.

Aussies answer is here again below!!. We want our company OKD returned to us!. 
To us Minority shareholder of New World resources. Thievery its very common in all regards to OKD!.
https://postimg.org/image/6769h6q63/ - This is my own money that was paid to save OKD NWR on the 23rd/ 24th September 2014!. 18497 Euro and was never intended to be a donation to Lee Louda and then transferred to Prisko, and the Czech Government or any owned department or company.


Shame on you!!. I am personally beyond disgusted and insulted about the thievery of my money and assets. I have many more letters I could and may release in regards to OKD and New World Resources. It's no problem I have hundreds of emails/letters I could release to the whole world!!. 

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (736) 03.02.18 03:44  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (189881)

OKD oligarch BakalaTunneling fraud

We the 119 petition signers. The Minority shareholders of New World resources the true and legal owners of OKD. And I am a believer that the Czech Courts will soon recognise us with in the next few weeks.

Please join us and our petition against New World Resources and OKD. And our fight for justice.

Latest news information in-regards to OKD


https://www.parlamentnilisty.cz/arena/monitor/Clovek-od-Bakaly-ktery-zarizoval-prodej-byvalych-bytu-OKD-bude-pro-ministerstvo-prumyslu-rozhodovat-o-vice-nez-miliarde-Tohle-nam-k-tomu-rekl-Babis-522814 *** MUST READ*** 2nd February 2018 Friday. Lord Purport Bakala and his minions. How can they get away with the biggest alleged financial crimes ever in the Czech Republic's history. Sorry I can not answer how this is even possible or allowed . INACTION, spoken words are not enough to bring these alleged crooks to justice.


https://antoninnovak1.blog.idnes.cz/blog.aspx?c=645852 - ###-1st February 2018 Bakal coalition he owns Economie, which now includes a plethora of media titles such as Hospodářské noviny, Respekt, Aktuálně.cz, DVTV, but also Centrum, Bakala Foundation, Zdeněk Bakala also finances the Václav Havel Library. Diky Moc Antonín Novák keep up the good work.


ekonomicky-denik.cz/soud-zamitl-zaloby-insolvencni ... -1st February 2018 Regional Court in Ostrava dismissed three indictments of OKD Lee Louda's insolvency administrator against health insurance companies this week. Administrator asked the insurers to return to OKD's assets a part of the money that the company paid them as health insurance for their employees. The court dismissed all actions as unfounded. CTK told the judge Simona Pittermann.


www.rozhlas.cz/ostrava/aktualne/_zprava/arcelormit ... -1st February 2018 Big problems closing down Paskov Mid Vol Coking coal mine and its coal dumps for storing stockpiles of it's coal for the the 2 local large steel mills. Alleged incompetence.

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (20) 20.01.18 03:48  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (191126)

PartVII OKD Commission Political Failure

We the 117 petition signers. The Minority shareholders of New World resources the true and legal owners of OKD. Which I still believe the Czech Courts will recognise. We are human beings and normal people and we are telling you the Czech Senators and Politicians that we have had enough of your alleged deliberate time consuming games and postponing the truth. We allege that Bakala is a free man and a multi billionaire thanks to your inactions . While we poor Minority shareholders of New World Resources human people suffer because you want to play an alleged long game of deceit, double dealing, misinformation, disinformation in regards to OKD!!!. To the nameless Czech sycophants who will do anything to further their careers in regards to OKD.Your so new called investigative commission OKD will fail.Your Captain “ Lukáš Černohorský” who has a letter of marque from the Czech government against it's alleged own peoples view in regards to OKD will fail!.We are not stupid, and we all know as in regards to the other previous investigations into OKD it will prove nothing illegal to be found. ( Except 44,000+ Apartments contacts. But this has never belonged to NWR)Nameless Czech sycophants who are not very intelligent in my opinion that are waiting for a decline. But they still don't get it. You will be waiting many years for especially coking coal and secondly thermal coal prices to decline like in 2014 until early 2016.I am not your teacher or an expert in coal. But unbelievably I get it most of the time correct so just maybe you should listen and learn something right at this very minute. Yes you reading this petition on the 20th January 2018China controls the game especially in Coking coal!.Shanxi province in China has many NEW coking coal mines built after the past record high prices for coking coal in 2011-2008 period.Coking coal mines take many years to build and cost many hundreds of millions or billions of euro to become operational.China's National Development and Reform Commission who controls the coking coal mines production. And in the past issued the production restriction allowing miners to operate for only 276 days and the prior 330 days work rule. This Commission has the most control over Coking coal prices in the world.I have personally given you many average costs for Chinese coking coal mines( Around 120usd Jan 2016. Look at my letters posted online so you and the whole world can see OKD/NWR 6th January 2018 letter).OKD has top secret hidden cash costs around 60 euro/ 73.33 us dollars a tonne. OKD Coking coal cash costs are very good. But thermal coal cash costs for produced coal equivalent is high.As you can see in my letter from 2014 to NWR/OKD. The same applies to the future years of OKD. Thermal coal will be replaced more and more by renewable s like solar power, wind, hydro, geo thermal, batteries,lithium.So the “Incompetence” in regards to the running of OKD must stop. If not for us the unloved minority shareholders . Then please carefully consider the 9500 employees that are still left working at OKD. Please listen Czech Courts, politicians, Senators, Media, Lee louda, creditors committee, Supervisory board of OKD. THE THIEVERY OF OKD MUST STOP!!!.JUSTICE WAS BE BROUGHT TO ZDENEK BAKALA!!.Zdeněk Bakala is still living in his Switzerland Mansion on lake Geneva like a King, smoking his lavish cigars smirking and laughing at our misfortune . With billions of euro dollars that he plundered from the Czech Republic and companies like New World Resources and OKD.Answer: It can not be possible surely. We alleged that Bakala must be protected by some very high up sycophants in Czech Politics?. Why are so their so many nameless Czech Politicians that seem to only have interest in allegedly stealing back OKD when they sold it at market prices many years ago in 2004 and the 1990s?.Most Czech Politicians who can make and change laws do seem to be ignorant in my opinion to what Bakala has done and unwilling to take any actions especially criminal actions. The truth will be told especially about OKD being so highly profitable ( 400+ million euro is my assumption from 1st October 2016 until now 20th January 2018 for OKD's net profit!)And why the closing down of highly profitable OKD coal mines that must be stopped.Paskov can still be saved, before it's to late.And OKD's Future is Frenštát with that massive 1.700,000,000 tonne resource of coking and or black coal mining this project could easily become a long life mine for 50 – 100+ years!!!.Everything I have written here is alleged and my opinion alone. Please do your own research.And please it's very important to also read the all the other Parts of Investing in the Czech Republic and the return to Communism and about OKD and the IncompetenceLook below this discussion and John Smith. And click on previous to view. PLEASE KEEP CHECKING BACK AS MORE UPDATES ARE COMING SOON TO YOUR DEVICE. --------------------------+++++++++++ ...

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (857) 13.01.18 02:12  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacmail.com  (189881)

PartVI Union Officials collaborators OKD

We the minority shareholders who have signed this petition also call for all the Union Officials related or that have members within OKD to be investigated by the Commission for alleged collusion, coercing, controlling, political donations, . And to find why and how so many alleged nameless Union officials have gotten so much power in regards to the alleged incompetent management of OKD and their control over political parties. And why the Unions allowed Paskov MV Coking coal mine that has became highly profitable to be closed down and why almost 3000 employees lost their jobs. 

OKD employees have been betrayed by a few alleged nameless Union Officials. We know who really is running some Political parties. 

https://postimg.org/image/63fjbi3yr/ -11 Jan 2018 Josef Hájek slandered us Minority shareholders of NWR. I have taken offence to your lies!. You need to be investigated. Union Officials do represent workers rights. Your doing a bad job in my opinion look at this petition it's only around 15 month's old. You have allegedly betrayed in that time about 3500 workers. OKD has currently around 9500 employees not the 13,000 from just over a year ago. OKD is a highly profitable coking coal producer with record pricing achieved in euro terms over Q1 2017. Hold on when did the 9500 workers you represent at OKD get a fair pay rise??. Are you still working on it??? and so you should better get right on it hey.
Shame on you Josef Hajek and shame to all the other alleged nameless sycophants who think thievery of OKD is acceptable!.

https://postimg.org/image/6769h6q63/ - This is a fact and the Czech Courts have my Evidence that my own money was paid to save OKD NWR on the 23rd/ 24th September 2014!. 18497 Euro dollars was my own money and was never intended to be a donation to Prisko, or any Czech Government owned department or company.
Back In 2014 if we the Minority shareholders didn't save OKD . OKD bankruptcy would have become terminal “The END”.

I the owner who started this petition and on behalf of my fellow petition signers and minority shareholders of New World Resources . We are choosing to showing the whole world that we will not stand by and let the alleged nameless people ( sycophants) within the Czech Republic sell our assets of OKD to OKD Nástupnická for 3+ million euro/ 80 million CZK Czech krone.

I am making an assumption and I believe that OKD net profits from the period starting from the 1st September 2016 until today the 13th January 2018 are estimated to be above 400,000,000 euro!!!. 

So where else in the world can you get an alleged Government company called Prisko to buy out OKD and only have to pay 3+ million euro for such a highly profitable company. OKD allegedly makes more profit than 3 million euro in a few days. Obviously no shame to lie and use thievery in my opinion by nameless alleged dishonest people.

Next Subject, Great to finally see at least one politician stand up and talk about the shambles that Czech Politics has become at the moment. And the most obsessive chatter about OKD. Sorry only my opinion but who is running the Czech Republic. Their is still no Captain???. Or has the minority Government yet to be formed, guess it's not really important enough to run the Country!.



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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (755) 01.01.18 05:21  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (189881)

Part V. Publication online rights truth concerning OKD!

OKD privatization was in the long past, history can not be changed. Time to fix the present.2018  Zdeněk Bakala still lives in his Swiss Mansion on Lake Geneva living like a King, smoking his lavish cigars smirking and laughing at our misfortune. With billions of dollars he plundered from the Czech Republic and companies like New World Resources.Answer: Due to the inaction by the authorities. 2018 Czech Politicians still using allegedly worthless spoken words (inactions). Sorry I mean "No" actions because Lord Purport Bakala is still a free lucky wealthy man.Answer: That's for you to decide.2018  Parliamentary commission of inquiry into OKD. Still no Captain yet hey!Answer: See past reports and no criminal charges have ever been laid. Please read more in detail.2018 Czech Courts still have no criminal action against Bakala. Because unknown why OKD was put into bankruptcy on 2 nd May 2016. That's Almost 2 years ago. Answer: Criminal charges are long overdue, I do not have the answer.2018 Czech media learns the truth?Answer. We can only dream and that will be the case.We are the minority shareholders of New World Resources and all who have signed this petition.We request humbly that all matters concerning OKD be made to have an online Publication. We ensure that minority shareholders are protected by our rights. And for all the Czechs have their fundamental rights to learn the truth, so the public knows about all the issues in terms of OKD!We, the minority shareholders, also believe that if a new investigation commission is to take place in OKD.1. That all politicians have included even the current serving ones. Find out who is allegedly responsible for shutting down OKD coal mines.2. Lee Louda Administrator, the creditors committee, the supervisory board of OKD will also be investigated for being allegedly incompetent and shutting down a profitable Pakov. And also for the future plans of closing down the highly profitable Lazy, Darkov, and CSM mines.Thank you and best of luck to all my friends and fellow minority shareholders. Lets pray, wish and hope for these lucky coking and thermal coal prices to rally higher and for longer than anyone can anticipate.And for the return of OKD to New World Resources. 2018 will be our lucky year !!.Everything I have written is alleged and my opinion alone. Please do your own research.1.Bakala is laughing at you from his  Switzerland Mansion on Lake Geneva.2.The alleged nameless Czech politicians fear that there will be a public-ally supported criminal case through Prague 2 Court in connection with OKD privatization of 2004 will now fail. Lack of evidence, minority shareholding only sold (44.88%), lucky coal prices increased due to China.3. Many investigations, reports on alleged criminal conduct dating from at least 2006 regarding OKD. Vox Consultation report 2004, Penta Finance, State Aid No SA.25076 (2011 / NN) - Czech Republic Privatization of OKD.OKD 44,000+ Apartment (Byti) complaint (CP 19/2008) concerning the same transaction was lodged with the European Commission by the Association of Tenants BYTYOKD.CZ, an association of tenants living in apartments formerly owned by OKD. Answer: Alleged nameless Czech Politicians want to waist tax payer money again. Repeated "INACTION" against Bakala for his alleged crimes again!Bakala will only be a criminal when a court formally charges him as such. Everything else is just an allegation.4. No international warrant or summons has ever been issued against Mr Bakala. It's a fact and why it does not take 2 years!5. To nameless Czech Politicians please show the world and especially the Czech public the people your serving the truth about OKD  Privatization  . And we're talking about almost 14 years ago. You already have the information all in front of you. Answer: The truth will be ever told.6. Would the nameless Czech politicians want OKD, if the company went bankrupt in 2014 when all the global coal prices where very low ??. Answer: My opinion no.7. And this  investigation commission will find new top secret information about OKD from the past. Answer: You will not be able to change history. The planned 10 month Commission can only investigate and criminally charge anyone for alleged crimes. 8. Why do not the media ask questions like why Czech politicians seem to want or support the closure of highly profitable OKD coal mines. 3500+ employees of OKD have lost their jobs in less than 2 years. And why was Paskov closed when his coking coal was in euro terms at record highs. Answer: Maybe you should investigate or have a new investigation commission in these matters ???.9. .We are the minority shareholders of NWR, who are begging you Czech Politicians, Courts, Police for the immediate extradition of "Zdeněk Bakala". And for all his assets to be seized as proceeds of alleged crimes against New World Resources / OKD the 44,000+ apartments, and any other companies and properties.The Czech public wants and deserves the right ...

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (473) 01.01.18 05:21  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (189881)

Part V. Publication online rights truth concerning OKD!

OKD privatization was in the long past, history can not be changed. Time to fix the present.2018  Zdeněk Bakala still lives in his Swiss Mansion on Lake Geneva living like a King, smoking his lavish cigars smirking and laughing at our misfortune. With billions of dollars he plundered from the Czech Republic and companies like New World Resources.Answer: Due to the inaction by the authorities. 2018 Czech Politicians still using allegedly worthless spoken words (inactions). Sorry I mean "No" actions because Lord Purport Bakala is still a free lucky wealthy man.Answer: That's for you to decide.2018  Parliamentary commission of inquiry into OKD. Still no Captain yet hey!Answer: See past reports and no criminal charges have ever been laid. Please read more in detail.2018 Czech Courts still have no criminal action against Bakala. Because unknown why OKD was put into bankruptcy on 2 nd May 2016. That's Almost 2 years ago. Answer: Criminal charges are long overdue, I do not have the answer.2018 Czech media learns the truth?Answer. We can only dream and that will be the case.We are the minority shareholders of New World Resources and all who have signed this petition.We request humbly that all matters concerning OKD be made to have an online Publication. We ensure that minority shareholders are protected by our rights. And for all the Czechs have their fundamental rights to learn the truth, so the public knows about all the issues in terms of OKD!We, the minority shareholders, also believe that if a new investigation commission is to take place in OKD.1. That all politicians have included even the current serving ones. Find out who is allegedly responsible for shutting down OKD coal mines.2. Lee Louda Administrator, the creditors committee, the supervisory board of OKD will also be investigated for being allegedly incompetent and shutting down a profitable Pakov. And also for the future plans of closing down the highly profitable Lazy, Darkov, and CSM mines.Thank you and best of luck to all my friends and fellow minority shareholders. Lets pray, wish and hope for these lucky coking and thermal coal prices to rally higher and for longer than anyone can anticipate.And for the return of OKD to New World Resources. 2018 will be our lucky year !!.Everything I have written is alleged and my opinion alone. Please do your own research.The Czech public wants and deserves the right to know the truth about OKD, it's a great idea and not originally mine. It puts everything in the best possible way online, censored if need be about OKD. This is justice and the only way for truth to be told!Please see the NWR Petition for minor updates.- 29 Dec 2017 -  Benchmark coking coal prices derived from spot market index-based formulations were set at around $ 192 / mt for Q4 2017, $ 170 / mt Q3 2017. In Q2 2017, $ 194 / mt, Q1 2017 $ 285

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (220) 01.01.18 05:21  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (189881)

Part V. Publication online rights truth concerning OKD!

OKD privatization was in the long past, history can not be changed. Time to fix the present.2018  Zdeněk Bakala still lives in his Swiss Mansion on Lake Geneva living like a King, smoking his lavish cigars smirking and laughing at our misfortune. With billions of dollars he plundered from the Czech Republic and companies like New World Resources.Answer: Due to the inaction by the authorities. 2018 Czech Politicians still using allegedly worthless spoken words (inactions). Sorry I mean "No" actions because Lord Purport Bakala is still a free lucky wealthy man.Answer: That's for you to decide.2018  Parliamentary commission of inquiry into OKD. Still no Captain yet hey!Answer: See past reports and no criminal charges have ever been laid. Please read more in detail.2018 Czech Courts still have no criminal action against Bakala. Because unknown why OKD was put into bankruptcy on 2 nd May 2016. That's Almost 2 years ago. Answer: Criminal charges are long overdue, I do not have the answer.2018 Czech media learns the truth?Answer. We can only dream and that will be the case.We are the minority shareholders of New World Resources and all who have signed this petition.We request humbly that all matters concerning OKD be made to have an online Publication. We ensure that minority shareholders are protected by our rights. And for all the Czechs have their fundamental rights to learn the truth, so the public knows about all the issues in terms of OKD!We, the minority shareholders, also believe that if a new investigation commission is to take place in OKD.1. That all politicians have included even the current serving ones. Find out who is allegedly responsible for shutting down OKD coal mines.2. Lee Louda Administrator, the creditors committee, the supervisory board of OKD will also be investigated for being allegedly incompetent and shutting down a profitable Pakov. And also for the future plans of closing down the highly profitable Lazy, Darkov, and CSM mines.Thank you and best of luck to all my friends and fellow minority shareholders. Lets pray, wish and hope for these lucky coking and thermal coal prices to rally higher and for longer than anyone can anticipate.And for the return of OKD to New World Resources. 2018 will be our lucky year !!.Everything I have written is alleged and my opinion alone. Please do your own research.1.Bakala is laughing at you from his  Switzerland Mansion on Lake Geneva.2.The alleged nameless Czech politicians fear that there will be a public-ally supported criminal case through Prague 2 Court in connection with OKD privatization of 2004 will now fail. Lack of evidence, minority shareholding only sold (44.88%), lucky coal prices increased due to China.3. Many investigations, reports on alleged criminal conduct dating from at least 2006 regarding OKD. Vox Consultation report 2004, Penta Finance, State Aid No SA.25076 (2011 / NN) - Czech Republic Privatization of OKD.OKD 44,000+ Apartment (Byti) complaint (CP 19/2008) concerning the same transaction was lodged with the European Commission by the Association of Tenants BYTYOKD.CZ, an association of tenants living in apartments formerly owned by OKD. Answer: Alleged nameless Czech Politicians want to waist tax payer money again. Repeated "INACTION" against Bakala for his alleged crimes again!Bakala will only be a criminal when a court formally charges him as such. Everything else is just an allegation.4. No international warrant or summons has ever been issued against Mr Bakala. It's a fact and why it does not take 2 years!5. To nameless Czech Politicians please show the world and especially the Czech public the people your serving the truth about OKD  Privatization  . And we're talking about almost 14 years ago. You already have the information all in front of you. Answer: The truth will be ever told.6. Would the nameless Czech politicians want OKD, if the company went bankrupt in 2014 when all the global coal prices where very low ??. Answer: My opinion no.7. And this  investigation commission will find new top secret information about OKD from the past. Answer: You will not be able to change history. The planned 10 month Commission can only investigate and criminally charge anyone for alleged crimes. 8. Why do not the media ask questions like why Czech politicians seem to want or support the closure of highly profitable OKD coal mines. 3500+ employees of OKD have lost their jobs in less than 2 years. And why was Paskov closed when his coking coal was in euro terms at record highs. Answer: Maybe you should investigate or have a new investigation commission in these matters ???.9. .We are the minority shareholders of NWR, who are begging you Czech Politicians, Courts, Police for the immediate extradition of "Zdeněk Bakala". And for all his assets to be seized as proceeds of alleged crimes against New World Resources / OKD the 44,000+ apartments, and any other companies and properties.The Czech public wants and deserves the right ...

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (940) 24.12.17 08:07  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (189881)

Investing in the Czech Republic and the return to Communism Part IV.


Merry Christmas and to a very lucky and prosperous 2018 and for or wish for our return of OKD to New World Resources.


Veselé Vánoce a velmi šťastný a prosperující rok 2018 a pro naše přání pro návrat OKD do New World Resources.


To all my fellow friends and minority shareholders of New World Resources. This year is coming to an end. But we are still being wronged, and cheated by so many people who should know better.


Has anyone noticed that there is no “Captain” yet for this new investigative commission into OKD. Well maybe they found some top secret news from 2004 or even further back from the 1990s. But I seriously doubt anything new can be found. In my opinion, all I see is an alleged political game of inaction and dishonesty. Czech People are more than smart enough to know they are being deceived and played the fool by so many nameless alleged sycophants .


Related and important news came out on the 20 December 2017 Wednesday . JSW Polish and OKD neighbour in Silesia has publicly said they will invest and expand their coking coal mines production. The amount is a massive 5.33 billion euro and will be used to increase production. The Czechs want to close down our highly profitable OKD that has lower cash costs than their Polish counterparts at JSW. I have a real problem with this and my fellow minority shareholders and I also believe most Czech people can not believe our own eyes.




Perhaps it's time for the Czech people to ask the Czech President Zeman to intervene in regards to OKD. And stop this closing down sale of OKD being done by alleged incompetent nameless people.


So back to my email from Thursday the 7th September 2017. This letter from the UK regulator FCA is in regards to NWR, Bakala, AHG Group, Directors.
Due to legal rights I can not comment and or show you the contents of this letter. But I will show you a small part that I hope will not get me personally into trouble. It is a real case and we the minority shareholders and  Pavol Krupa have gone to a lot of trouble to bring justice to those alleged criminals who allegedly destroyed, plundered, bankrupted falsely NWR and OKD. I allege the current Czech courts cases are the real reason stopping the regulators from taking any actions against Bakala, the AHG Group and the former company directors.


  1. https://postimg.org/image/h7fnwdaat/

  2. https://postimg.org/image/x5odmizdx/


So while the Czech courts take years to do what in my opinion is inaction. And all politicians around the world are in my opinion are good at lying and deceiving and playing the people for fools. Use worthless spoken words and inaction to do what against Mr Bakala besides spoken words, sorry I mean nothing???.


So once again Zdeněk Bakala lives in his Switzerland Mansion on lake Geneva living like a King, smoking his lavish cigars smirking and laughing at our misfortune . With billions of euro dollars that don't belong to him.


We the minority shareholders of New World Resources have had long past had enough. We have yearned for justice for almost 2 years and nothing has been done against those who have wronged us. The thievery of OKD still continues and must be stopped. OKD must be returned to us the rightful owners or compensation paid.


The truth will be told especially about OKD being so highly profitable!.


And the closing down of highly profitable OKD coal mines must be stopped.


Paskov can still be saved, before it's to late.


Everything I have written here in this petition is alleged.


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 Burza Prime 12:36 
Název Kurz Změna
 COLT(CZG)  680.00  +0.89% 
 ČEZ  877.00  0.00% 
 ERSTE  1 103.50  +0.68% 
 GEN(NORTON)  570.00  +0.88% 
 GEVORKYAN  254.00  0.00% 
 KB  776.00  +0.71% 
 KOFOLA  301.00  +0.33% 
 MONETA  102.40  +2.71% 
 PHOTON  43.20  -0.23% 
 PILULKA  128.50  +2.80% 
 PM  15 240.00  -0.13% 
 PRIMOCO   915.00  0.00% 
 VIG  758.00  +2.99% 
Komodity online
 Ropa 85.87 USD 12:14   
 Zlato 2330.28 USD 12:14   
 Stříbro 29.29 USD 12:14   
 Káva 222.70 USD 12:14   
 Cukr 20.30 USD 12:14   
 Bavlna 74.98 USD 12:14   
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