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Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele peritos. Výpis příspěvků 401 až 420 (839)

spíše nečíst (5) 28.12.06 00:28  peritos  (86444)

Kaučuk až v lednu


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určitě přečíst (8) 26.12.06 18:58  peritos  (86444)

proč nevykoupí uni za odhad za 175?nebo stane se brzy???

Končí Vánoční svátky , a vyřídějíc korespondenci jsem kouknul na ,,slavný ,, chat ad UNI.

Bože-kdo mrhá sváteční dny na neskutečné kraviny a plky u počítače?! ( Frekvence tzv.pana Klídka je obzvláště pozoruhodná , ale možná tak pro psychiatra-psychologa-psy.... dosad si sám..) Bez urážek , je mi líto lidí , co před chvílí s rodinou či přáteli mrhají čas na nesmysly.

Btw. PKN MUSÍ nabídnou odkup minoritám MN , jakož to již proběhlo v Čechách s UNI. Nabízená cena , výsledk odkupu i pohyb kurzu je asi všem znám. V MN je zcela JINÉ rozložení akcionářů - ale to by si pan Klídek musel tu zprávu pořádně přečíst , nebo taky kouknou na VZ samotné MN....

Keci o chystaných popravách UNI mě baví - pane Klídku ( byt fiktivní ) -rád se s Vámi  vsadím o řešení hádanky PKNxdodávky ropy do MN versus expanze Lukoilu s Conocem v zádech a chystaným jv Kaučuku!

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přečíst (0) 22.12.06 18:15  peritos  (86444)

+++( interfax) -oprava KONEČNĚ!!!!!!!!!!!!! KOMUNIKUJÍ

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přečíst (0) 22.12.06 00:46  peritos  (108134)

Chemik ... mám nový nik!! = Pražák

pražák = vůl , občan Prahy by se jistě tak nenazval , a ten ,kdo si hanlivé označení obyvatele Prahy bere za své , si jiné označení nezaslouží........... Jinak obyvatele Prahy zovu pražan.

A kurzotvornost informace ala Pražák ( na 3x) značím 0,000000001promile.Dobrou , a neotravuj,PRAŽÁKU

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přečíst (3) 21.12.06 18:50  peritos  (108134)

V US prave zacalo

směšné , až budou poklesy o 1,4procenta a více , a ne jak momentálně ted , tak bych psal něco o krvi , ale taky bych se napřed zeptal , o kolik nám ty US indexi narostly za poslední měsíce.....JInak Štastné s VESELÉ , s cashem či kešu oříšky
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spíše nečíst (1) 21.12.06 09:42  peritos  (103637)

jo jo nic není nastálo....

ale hlavně to byl SÁM VELIKÝ TURKMENBAŠI   !!!!!!!!
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Téma: Akcie ČEZ
spíše nečíst (4) 21.12.06 07:18  peritos  (108134)

jedním slovem-HNUS!

Za lidovce by se ministrem pro místní rozvoj mohl stát Čunek, ministrem financí Miroslav Kalousek, obranu by mohla vést Vlasta Parkanová a kulturu Jaromír Talíř nebo Michaela Šojdrová. Předsedou legislativní rady vlády by se mohl stát exministr zahraničí Cyril Svoboda.

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spíše nečíst (2) 21.12.06 07:11  peritos  (108134)

PKN je údajně před podpisem smlouvy o dodávkách ropy Lukoilem do MN

tak rozluštění hádanky Lukoil-PKN-UNI-ČRA se blíží!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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spíše nečíst (2) 21.12.06 07:09  peritos  (108134)

jo jo nic není nastálo....

21. prosince 2006  7:01Turkmenský prezident Saparmurat Nijazov v noci zemřel. Skonal zřejmě ve spánku. Bylo mu 66 let. S odvoláním na vládní zdroj o tom informoval Reuters.

Nijazov byl v čele státu od roku 1990 a později byl jeho mandát změněn na doživotní.

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Téma: Akcie ČEZ
přečíst (7) 19.12.06 21:02  peritos  (108134)


..chtěli jsme vám nadělit k vánocům korekci , a krásnou.Ale my jsme řekli- NE !!!!

s úctou váš  DJI

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spíše nečíst (4) 18.12.06 20:05  peritos  (108134)


..a Mána prý dostane menzes. Ještě,že je tady Pegas!
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spíše nečíst (1) 18.12.06 19:43  peritos  (108134)

chlapi!máte někdo seznam

začíná to Strakovkou , potom něco ve Sněmovní , a hafo dalších baráků............
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spíše nečíst (3) 18.12.06 19:37  peritos  (108134)

nová NOMURA - Tlustý jede jako mašina........

Mittal arbitration: Another Nomura?By: Jason Hovet, 18. 12. 2006, More by this author

After a truce in international arbitration with Japanese investment bank Nomura, the Czech government and Minister of Finance Vlastimil Tlustý said it’s close to a settlement with Netherlands-based Mittal Steel over an arbitration dispute stemming from the 2005 Vítkovice Steel (VS) privatization.

Mittal, which took control of Nová Huť (now Mittal Steel Ostrava [MSO]) in 2003, is seeking € 700 million (Kč 19.4 billion) from the Czech state for the government’s failure to protect its investor rights provided under a bilateral agreement with the Netherlands. The arbitration was kicked off in October 2005, months after the company was, as it claims, “unfairly excluded” from the VS tender.

The Ministry of Finance (MF) announced Dec. 12 that after meetings with Mittal officials the two sides were close to an agreement that would leave “no financial obligations for the Czech Republic.” Mittal officials were to submit a solution proposal to the ministry by Dec. 15, however, a ministry source who didn’t want to be identified told CBW that the deadline was delayed to Dec. 20.

Last week it still wasn’t clear what Mittal’s position was, as company officials declined to comment. “These matters are very delicate,” Ondra Otradovec, Mittal’s director of mergers and acquisitions, said when contacted. Tlustý couldn’t be reached for further comment.

The dispute over VS is further complicated by a second arbitration between Mittal and the Czech state, in which Mittal is demanding an additional 13.88 percent of MSO shares that had been promised to the steel group in the 2002 privatization of Nová Huť (see editorial).

Mittal owns 72 percent in MSO, while state bailout agency ČKA holds an 11 percent stake it purchased from steelmaker Třinecké železárny in 2004 for Kč 1.6 billion. The 13.88 percent share Mittal is seeking is still in MF hands, but is also claimed by investment group Petrcíle, which is reportedly backed by the financier Pavel Tykač. Petrcíle has initiated two arbitration proceedings against the state, demanding either the shares or compensation.

Nová Huť managers created Petrcíle in 1996, and the state granted the company an option to 15 percent of the Nová Huť shares. However, after the steel company got into financial trouble, the government pulled out of the deal.

The Nová Huť managers later sold Petrcíle to entrepreneur Radim Masný, who sued the National Property Fund (FNM), which had been administering the MF shares, for Kč 2.05 billion. Masný won his case in 2004; however, a higher court returned the case to the beginning.

Despite the case still being open, Masný later sold Petrcíle to Tykač’s Cyprus-based investment group Zuglite Investments, which is suing the state for Kč 5.8 billion or demanding the shares in MSO, according to an Aug. 25 report in daily Hospodářské noviny.

Mittal is involved in a third dispute — this one with state-owned financing group Osinek, which had been administering VS prior to its July 2005 privatization. An MSO subsidiary, Vysoké pece Ostrava (VPO), supplies pig iron to VS. Osinek claims it was overcharged for supplies between January 2003 and January 2005, and is seeking compensation from VPO in the amount of Kč 2.18 billion. Also in a lawsuit, VPO is asking for back pay of Kč 353 million for deliveries it made in 2003 and early 2004.

The two cases are pending in the Regional Court in Ostrava, North Moravia, and at the Office for the Protection of Economic Competition (ÚOHS), according to Osinek spokeswoman Eva Kijonková.

The Mittal dispute with Osinek dates to before the VS privatization, and was the reason for Mittal’s exclusion from the VS privatization. The government said a precondition for bidders was to have no open disputes with the state; however, Mittal last year claimed it was willing to reach an agreement, if allowed to bid.

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spíše nečíst (1) 18.12.06 18:56  peritos  (108134)

Repete-pkn se s lukoilem domluví ropu potřebuje jako sůl

Poland's top fuel firm PKN Orlen to focus on oil supply diversification after Mazeikiu purchase

VILNIUS. DECEMBER 15. INTERFAX CENTRAL EUROPE. - Poland's top fuel firm PKN Orlen plans to focus on diversification of crude oil supplies in the coming months, Orlen's CEO Igor Chalupec told a press conference in Vilnius after closing the purchase of an 84% stake in Lithuanian refiner Mazeikiu Nafta (MN).

"We intend to effectively diversify oil supplies and this is what we want to focus on in the coming months," Chalupec said.

Chalupec said that Orlen is the largest receiver of Russian oil exports and plans to take over responsibility for oil supplies to MN, which was cut off from oil supplies through the Druzhba pipeline in late July following a leak.

"We want to take responsibility for oil supplies to MN," Chalupec said. "We managed to do it in Unipetrol [Orlen's Czech subsidiary, which it purchased in mid-2005] and I am sure that we will be successful also in MN. We are conducting talks with the Russian side and I assume that oil supplies through the pipeline will be back to normal. This is in our interest and in the interest of the Russian company."

Chalupec also pointed out the company's interest in developing upstream activity.

"This is the next direction of our development - upstream activity," Chalupec said. "I hope that Orlen, enlarged by MN, will be able to feel safe with access to its oil fields."

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spíše nečíst (2) 18.12.06 18:53  peritos  (108134)

Čunek: schopného Roma bych zaměstnal

prosím ,pomozme Čunkovi hledat , at se pak nevymlouvá , že nenašel,a tudíž nezaměstnal!
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spíše nečíst (1) 18.12.06 18:33  peritos  (108134)


ad  Stanovy - plus.bod

ad dodávky nafty - výrazně záporný. ( za prvé,máte na mysli ropu,že , za druhé , každý z akcionářů si dodávky suroviny zajištuje sám , pro UNI PKN , že - tady by musela vstoupit v platnost dohoda PKN-LUKOIL , a navíc , PKN by se ,,muselo,, o úsporu v nákupu s UNI podělit- nemá ale proč , penízky v kapse polské hřejí více....)

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přečíst (7) 18.12.06 18:28  peritos  (108134)

odkup akciíí ? peníze zas jen peníze.............

France’s SG lends KB for unknown purposeBy: Bradley Gardner, 18. 12. 2006, More by this author

While analysts say that they don’t know the reasons bank Komerční Banka (KB) is taking Kč 6 billion (€216.8 million) in subordinated debt from its parent company Société Générale, they say they’re pretty sure that KB isn’t telling people the whole story.

KB simply wants to raise money to expand and boost capital adequacy, said spokeswoman Marie Petrovová. In particular the bank needs money for lending to large companies, she said. KB, though, has historically had extremely high capital adequacy, and is the largest lender to large corporations in the Czech Republic.

Capital adequacy is the ratio of capital to risk — by law a bank must have the capital to cover 8 percent of their on book loans, weighted for risk.

In September KB announced a capital adequacy of 12 percent, compared to 10 percent at Československá obchodní banka (ČSOB) and 9 percent at Česká spořitelna (ČS).

This number went down slightly due to their purchase of building society Modrá pyramida, but according to Jiří Staník, analyst at Wood & Company, the additions to their risk portfolio from the investment would have a minimal impact on their capital adequacy.

Martin Skoumal, investor relations representative at KB, said that KB has no capital adequacy problem and there was no chance that KB would get near the 8 percent capital adequacy limit, which would prevent it from providing more loans.

Skoumal said that KB is interested in getting a larger share of the booming retail loan market but he denied the loan had anything to do with it.

Analysts have said that this is what is behind the management changes announced on Dec. 14, when Czechs replaced three French managers in KB’s executive committee.

Skoumal added that KB’s expansion plans in large corporate loans require this loan so KB doesn’t reach its limit for lending to large corporations. A bank is only allowed to lend a single corporate group from 20-25 percent of the bank’s total regulatory capital, or money that’s defined as capital by the central bank.

The third quarter statements released September 2006 said both KB and ČS each had Kč 46 billion in regulatory capital. The loan would raise KB’s capital above its competitors’ capital for large scale lending. Last January KB CEO Laurent Gautard told CBW in an interview that KB had 45 percent of the market for lending to large corporations, and “it’s not realistic to increase this figure,” (see “Overseeing a culture shift at KB,” CBW, Jan. 16, 2006).

Staník said that it’s a possibility that KB is expanding the maximum size of its lending with a particular customer in mind.

He said that since only a portion of the subordinated debt is counted toward capital adequacy, he doubts that the amount added to the maximum size of a loan would be significant enough to make a difference in a Kč 10 billion loan.

Most loans of this size are taken from foreign conglomerates, though some corporations might prefer using KB because Czech interest rates are the lowest in the EU, Staník said.

Marek Hatlapatka, an analyst at brokerage Cyrrus said that there is the possibility that KB is arranging a share buyback or a large dividend pay-out.

Hatlapatka said that KB’s stocks had been stagnating recently and they were looking for ways to increase share prices. According to Skoumal there is a standing agreement between KB and its shareholders that the bank can, at any time, buy back up to 10 percent of its shares from the exchange. But the bank has only bought back a small amount of its shares so far.

Staník said that a share buyback, dividend pay-out or new investment, are more likely than problems with the bank’s capital. KB would not discuss any future plans that may have motivated the decision to take this debt.

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spíše nečíst (1) 18.12.06 18:05  peritos  (108134)

by by mimo divi......

Prioritou Telefónicy je budovať vlastnú sieť na báze najnovšej generácie IP technológie, ktorá bude sprevádzkovaná v horizonte dvoch rokov. Podľa odhadu analytikov náklady na vybudovanie siete môžu dosiahnuť 500 mil. USD a budú financované kompletne z českej pobočky. Analytici predpokladajú, že Telefónica bude musieť dosiahnuť minimálne 10-percentný podiel na trhu, resp. približne 500 tis. klientov v nasledujúcich 3 až 4 rokoch, aby dosiahla vyrovnané hospodárenie
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spíše nečíst (1) 18.12.06 15:56  peritos  (103637)

Dotaz na Boba

..a jak by si UNi asi obhájil před akcionáři,že zájem o opci nemá...????? ... když celou dobu tvrdí , že mu jde jen a především o rafinérský bussines???? ....
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