Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele Aussie Czech Shareholder

Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele Aussie Czech Shareholder. Výpis příspěvků 41 až 50 (119)

Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (160) 02.06.17 03:38  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (186716)



1st June 2017

CHINA COKING COAL WRAP: May weakness likely to extend into June

The price crash in the seaborne coking coal market due to oversupply and zero demand in May weighed heavily on those for domestic materials in China, resulting in the latter experiencing a steady rate of decline throughout the month.


Metal Bulletin’s assessment of prices for Chinese domestic hard coking coal in Shanxi’s spot market, delivered to Tangshan, was 1,250-1,550 yuan ($183-227) on Friday May 26. This compares with 1,450-1,610 yuan ($210-233) per tonne on April 28. The first drop came during the week ended May 5, when the price for lower-grade, higher sulphur coking coal dropped to 1,400 yuan ($205) per tonne from 1,450 yuan ($212) per tonne, amid softening coke prices in China and a stagnant seaborne coking coal market. By the final week of May, prices for S1.3 Shanxi coking coal delivered to Tangshan mills had fallen to 1,250-1,280 yuan ($183-187) per tonne. Shanxi’s top-quality premium hard coking coal brand, Liulin No4, which has an ash content of 9.5% and sulphur content of 0.6%, even saw its ex-mine price fall to 1,300 yuan ($189.60) per tonne on Saturday May 27, compared with 1,340 yuan ($195)...

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (178) 10.05.17 02:39  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (186624)

Czech Government Authorities Regulator Administrator Lee Louda creditors committee supervisory board of OKD. Cracks are developing in your illegal plan.


OKD is solvent. Their-fore can not be bankrupt!.


Czech Government, Authorities, Regulator, Administrator Lee Louda, creditors committee, supervisory board of OKD. Cracks are developing in your illegal plan.


Bakala, AHG Group and former directors are the bad ones and alleged criminals. Leave us minority New World Resources shareholders alone and please return our assets.





www.euro.cz/byznys/trhliny-v-prodeji-okd-statni-za ...







www.tyden.cz/rubriky/domaci/zalobce-ma-pochybnosti ...






April 2017-March 2018 term contract deliveries of Australian 6,322 kcal/kg GAR thermal coal at $84.97/mt FOB Newcastle, the highest benchmark since $95/mt in 2013

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (197) 06.05.17 09:36  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (186624)

NWR updates will you join Mr Krupa in our fight in Switzerland to get Bakala brought to justice!!!!

 Lets get Mr Bakala brought to justice. Is anyone here going to arrange to go to Switzerland with Mr Krupa to get Bakala brought to justice. I am in Australia so it's very hard for me personally . I do recommend for all shareholders to attend if possible. Maybe if some shareholders speak in person with Mr Krupa we can organise a class action against NWR/OKD.
. And we all know that we are being deceived and lied too.
Most likely if Mr Krupa and supporters of our cause. Maybe we can get justice against Bakala or media attention gets to him and his dark heart changes its mind. He may by a miracle return the money and or as the majority shareholder??. Who knows what this theater show could bring next.

Regulators and ESMA authorities my best guess would intervene soon as the process I can only estimate will take up-to 9 months since our first complaint. Of course I need many other complaints to back me up that I am not crazy and making up a story. I do believe and wish, pray for divine intervention in New World Resources, OKD. And justice and criminal charges against those who have wronged cheated and stolen our assets.

I have a new idea, dobrey napad 6th May 2017. We should write to the Czech President Miloš Zeman!. He hates Bakala, and has called him a criminal many times in the media,
But maybe best for a Czech person to write on our behalf. As I personally, maybe not polite enough to convey our message in a subtle way.

Please do not give up complain and complain to everyone relevant to our case with NWR/OKD. This is only how we can get people, regulators, authorities to listen and do something.
When a regulator or authority does not answer you. Most likely it means they are doing something but they can not disclose information. They will tell you if they can not help you. Trust me I know this much.

Best of luck to all minority New World Resources shareholders. Keep up the fight for justice against the theft of our assets. Against the deception and lies by people who should know better. And the wish and pray for divine intervention for the return of our assets. And for NWR to be declared solvent and suspension of shares lifted. And for coking and thermal coal prices to remain high for a long term.
And for a class action and for compensation for us.

Best of luck

www.parlamentnilisty.cz/zpravy/tiskovezpravy/Pavol ...

https://www.seznam.cz/zpravy/clanek/veze-horniky-primo-ke-svycarske-vile-bakaly-pocitam-i-s-vandalismem-rika-30489 Mr Krupa fellow shareholder is paying personally and organising this rally and protest against the alleged criminal Bakala in Switzerland.

2nd May 2016 NWR/OKD enters bankruptcy petition. And Reuters reports “AHG group offers to sell NWR for 120 million euro to the Czech Government and write off 450 million debt leaving 115 million euro debt to repay”. 

ekonomika.idnes.cz/ahg-nabidla-statu-okd-4-miliard ... Czech Governemt did not want to buy OKD. So they just stole it in my opinion. What changed their minds??.Very bad idea to buy an unprofitable company . But very good when it makes massive profits due to current high coking coal prices !.


www.kurzy.cz/nazory/default.asp?A=N&PR=1231565 ... My link

AHG offered the Czech government to buy OKD on a debt free basis. I guess they could keep the debt notes attached to NWR N.V.

www.parlamentnilisty.cz/politika/politici-volicum/ ... 
Czech politicians a few are friends and some I allege in past where also on the payroll of Mr Bakala. Good information about New World Resources.


https://www.change.org/p/we-urge-the-re ...

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (226) 18.04.17 16:37  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacmail.com  (186080)

English written letter from liquidator Duff & Phelps B.V to OKD. 23 March 2017



English written letter from liquidator Duff & Phelps B.V to OKD.


Page 11. AHG 23 March letter to OKD restored to a position of solvency!. P11



AHG 23 March letter to OKD restored to a position of solvency!. P14



AHG 23 March letter to OKD restored to a position of solvency!. P11



Please note I have also written to OKD a few times and including on behalf of all the people who signed our petition against NWR. We own OKD maybe small shareholders but we are legally the part owners of OKD. This behaviour from OKD is not acceptable and illegal.


This letter helps prove that us the minority shareholders of New World Resources are right.

We must all join forces and fight for what is right!.

We must stop all those who have wronged, cheated and deceived us!.

Make those accountable who have committed criminal acts.

Have our New World Resources shares returned to the capital stock-markets because it's now solvent!. Therefore it can not be bankrupt.

Sue for damages against Bakala, AHG Group, alleged incompetent Directors . And the Czech Government and their authorities for stealing our assets.


We are normal hard working human beings. And will not have our legal rights taken from us when we have done no wrong.


Join us my fellow friends, shareholders, employees


Best of luck to all us minority shareholders of NWR





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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (131) 11.04.17 23:24  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (186205)

NWR minority shareholders urgent attention needed.

Hi Everyone,


My Czech is very basic and I am better at speaking Czech Than Written understanding. This latest Czech OKD reorganization document is only 94 pages and is in Czech. Are we being Deceived Because this document could be different to the 2200 page document Shown in the media and given to the Czech Court in Ostrava ?.

Could the Czech Government be giving us all ?? misinformation. And will do the right thing by us. I certainly hope this is the case. But in truth II can not believe this Would happen. I feel in my opinion That the Czech Government and LEAs are stealing our assets, shareholding in New World Resources, OKD. And being Dishonest about the true position of OKD Which is I am sure making massive profits.


All minorities total shareholders of New World Resources please you must complain that proposition links below:


https://ec.europa.eu/assets/sg/report-a-breach/complaints_en/ * European Commission


https://ec.europa.eu/info/about-european-union/problems-and-complaints/how-make-complaint-eu-level/actions-available-eu-level_en * Some one must start a new petition here : www.europarl.europa.eu/atyourservice/en/20150201PV ...


ec.europa.eu/eu-rights/enquiry-complaint-form/home ... * Your rights in Euro Solvit


https://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/en/home.faces * European Ombudsman complain here.


I wish all my fellow minority total shareholders the best of luck.





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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (145) 11.04.17 13:47  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (186205)

Minority NWR shareholders are having their legally owned assets stolen. We must get the best lawyers to sue for damages through Euro Commission

11 April Tuesday 2017


Please Dear Sir/Madam


Please you must intervene urgently and stop this dishonest, misleading, fabricated and corrupt OKD reorganisation plan: https://isir.justice.cz/isir/doc/dokument.PDF?id=28434912

www.rejstriky.info/cache/get/isir/204146/B/okd-a-s (OKD is making massive profits due to the currently high Coking coal pricing Q1 2017 $285USD, Q2 2017 simlar pricing but unconfirmed at this time , OKD current forecast cash costs are 60 euro a tonne)


The Czech Government, Czech Authorities, CNB, Administrator, Creditor committee and Czech Courts are using and making fabricated documents to use thievery to steal our minority shareholding of OKD which is 100% owned by New World Resources. I am the original owner of this petition against OKD/NWR and I do speak on behalf of all people who signed my petition.



On that note I respectfully ask and plead to you the ESMA, to take our case to the Council of the European Union and the European Commission . Maybe this could restore protection to us minority shareholders and ensure our investors rights and help promote some stability and show cooperation in having a orderly financial markets system in Europe.

After all if this stealing of our company shareholding OKD with dishonest and fabricated documents is allowed. How can anyone take you serious or ever trust to invest in the Euro Zone!. ( Especially the Czech Republic)


Urgently pleading for your help the ESMA to help us the long suffering minority shareholders of New World Resources. We yearn for justice against those who have wronged and cheated us.



Yours sincerely

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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (143) 10.04.17 14:53  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (186205)

Minority shareholders of NWR are normal human beings not criminals.


10 April 2017 Coking coal returns to $300 USD a tonne,

Minority shareholders of NWR are normal human beings not criminals. We are the legal minority owners of OKD. We must take legal action and sue for damages against those who have wronged, deceived and cheated us!. I do wish for a miracle for the ESMA authority to take action against NWR/OKD as soon as possible and contact the European commission to intervene us this show is casing damage to investors in the capital markets of Europe!.

I wish us minority share holders of New World Resources best of luck to be proven right. And have this falsely issued bankruptcy annulled including the toxic debt notes. And this suspension of shares released over NWR.

I wish for coking coal and thermal coal prices to rally higher than ever before to new record high prices. And last longer than anyone can forecast or anticipate.

We yearn for justice!.



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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (154) 05.04.17 03:33  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (186080)

OKD owned by New World Resources is making massive profits.

4 April 2017 Coking coal spot prices cme



4 April 2017 Coking coal spot prices up-to $225 US Dollars



Hello all,  Aussie Czech Shareholder is back. Well the show goes on. And the same lies are being told by politicians and the media. Coking coal is now having another massive rally. So New World Resources for Q2 2017 will again be making massive profits. Q3 2017 will be better than forecast too. Thermal coal prices are now also having a smaller rally in pricing.


I think its best that we the minority shareholders of NWR, soon look at taking legal action against those who have wronged us.


Good luck to us!.



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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (142) 16.03.17 23:16  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (185224)

OKD issues new shares Akca to NWR B.V.

www.rejstriky.info/cache/get/isir/204146/B/okd-a-s   -


16 March 2017 13:25


OKD 17 march 2017 OKD issued new shares to NWR. B.V valued at 10.086,800,000  CZK.

What is this OKD is now worth money.

OKD Q1 coking coal alleged coking coal price 215-240 Euro a tonne. Thermal coal 80 euro a tonne. OKD cash costs around 65 euro a tonne. Paskov closed in a few weeks forecast cash costs for OKD should drop to 60 Euro a tonne.

Simple maths

MASSIVE PROFITS that most companies can only dream about.

We the minority shareholders of NWR are be cheated and decieved




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Téma: Akcie NWR
určitě přečíst (137) 15.02.17 14:03  Aussie Czech Shareholder  aussie1979zavinacgmail.com  (185224)

NWR minority shareholders join together to bid for OKD

I have updated everyone through our petition. And asked all to join together to bid for OKD!.



10 Feb 2017 OKD has 3 new investors interested bidders



OKD formal email offer from minority shareholders


You can count me in. Aussie will also add 10000CZK of my own money to join us together to bid for OKD. Please every one ask by emailing for required OKD documents and ask to be allowed to bid. Then we should all bid 2,3,4,5 CZK just to screw with them like their doing to us. And on last day bid the full amount.

Does anyone have Jan Maldek email?????. Politicians can not be trusted. They will say and tell everyone what they want to hear. I still wish and hope it's all a show but I am only guessing.

Let the fight for our ownership of OKD/NWR continue.



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