Zde par zajimavych uryvku z prezentace PKN ohledne nakupu UNI (uz jen obava o credit rating myslim naznacuje, ze PKN neplanuje v kratkodobem horizontu vykupovat minority):
Transaction Risks - Potential transaction impact on PKN ORLEN’s credit rating
- PKN ORLEN is committed to maintain and improve its existing investment grade credit rating
- Completion of the transaction will not result in any violation of any covenants under PKN ORLEN’s syndicated credit facility agreement
- Disposal of some assets to Agrofert and ConocoPhillips will reduce the size of the transaction
Integration Strategy
- PKN ORLEN will continue to regularly update its shareholders on the progress made during the integration of Unipetrol
PKN ORLEN plans to intensify cooperation with Agrofert and ConocoPhillips
- Continue to benefit from ConocoPhillip’s operation assistance
- Finalize split of assets with Agrofert, while continuing to supply it
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