Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele Ufoun

Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele Ufoun. Výpis příspěvků 1 až 10 (10)

přečíst (1) 19.10.06 13:27  Ufoun  (106757)

To: Perier

a černoši?žijou tam ještě?nebo už vymřeli?
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přečíst (3) 19.10.06 13:26  Ufoun  (106757)


Price: 442 CZK
Target price: 627 CZK
LT Recommendation: Buy
Short-term Outlook: Positive
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přečíst (4) 19.10.06 13:26  Ufoun  (106757)


Total operating costs should be 1.3% lower y/y. In 2005, operating costs were burdened by extra costs related
to privatization (severance payments and consultancy costs). But there were also extraordinary costs in the third
quarter of this year, as in September Telefonica O2 launched its re-branding campaign, causing marketing costs
to rise by, we project, 20.8% y/y for the 9M06 while we saw a 12% y/y increase in 1H06. Telefonica O2 is
expected to continue to cut costs where possible. One example is a projected 5.8% cut in repair and
maintenance costs. Staff costs are expected to drop almost 14.7% y/y since there were no privatization-related
severance payments this year (most of those were booked in 1H05). We do not anticipate any impairment
charges in the 9M statements, but there could be a charge of 600 mn CZK since the merger of CTel fixed-line
business and Eurotel's mobile operation was finalized at the end of 1H06. This is not included in our projection.
Overall, we expect a strong consolidated OIBDA margin of 48% (up 1.1 p.p. y/y).
Lower investment than in the past will mean a further decline in depreciation (-5.5% y/y), which should
contribute to a 14.9% y/y increase in EBIT. If that forecast is accurate, the EBIT margin will be 19.9% (up from
17.3% in 9M05). The group's debt is expected to be the same as at the end of 1H06 (9.7 bn CZK, giving a D/E
ratio of 0.1) since the next repayment is due in 2008. This debt is, though, 17% lower than in 9M05, leading,
together with interest income coming from cash pooling with its parent, to a 73.8% y/y drop in net interest
expenses. This decline will help lift the pre-tax income by 19.6% y/y. We expect the group's effective tax rate
Telefonica O2 CR
to be 26.3% in 9M06 higher than the statutory tax rate in CR, which is currently 24% mainly due to the 27.4%
effective tax rate in the 1H06 (some costs and revenues were recognized as non-taxable). The combined effect
of these factors should be a 26.3% y/y increase in net income, to 6,456 mn CZK. That gives an annualized EPS
of 26.7 CZK (P/E of 16.6).
Investors will watch the 9M06 results closely to see how Telefonica O2 is progressing in taking advantage of
Telefonica's experience and how, on other hand, big an impact of re-branding costs will have. Aside from the
9M06 results, we expect the main interest in the near future to be news about Telefonica's new operations in
Slovakia (license acquired in September), such as its forecasts for additional earning and capex. In addition,
some news about Telefonica O2's future dividend policy may appear, though the company has said it will make
no decision about dividends before the company's AGM in 2007.
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přečíst (3) 19.10.06 13:24  Ufoun  (106757)


>Telefonica O2 CR (TEF O2) will release its consolidated 9M06 results on>27 October at 2:00 p.m. CET. We expect to see a 0.3% y/y decline in the>consolidated top line, caused primarily by a 4.8% y/y drop in total>fixed-line revenues. The revenues in mobile segment are projected to>show a 4.1% y/y growth. Total operating costs should be 1.3% lower y/y.>We do not anticipate any impairment charges for the 9M06. Overall, we>expect a strong consolidated OIBDA margin of 48% (up 1.1 p.p. y/y).>>Lower investment than in the past will mean a further decline in>depreciation (-5.5% y/y), which should contribute to a 14.9% y/y>increase in EBIT. We expect the group's effective tax rate to be 26.3%>in 9M06 (some costs and revenues were recognized as non-taxable mainly>in 1Q). The combined effect of all factors should be a 26.3% y/y>increase in net income, to 6,456 mn CZK. That gives an annualized EPS of 26.7 CZK (P/E of 16.6).>>Investors will watch the 1H06 results closely to see how Telefonica O2>is progressing in taking advantage of Telefonica's experience and how,>on other hand, big an impact of re-branding costs will have. Aside from>the 9M06 results, we expect the main interest in the near future to be>news about Telefonica's new operations in Slovakia (license acquired in>September), such as its forecasts for additional earning and capex. In>addition, some news about Telefonica O2's future dividend policy may>appear, though the company has said it will make no decision about>dividends before the company's AGM in 2007.>>
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Téma: Akcie ČEZ
přečíst (0) 17.03.05 22:28  Ufoun  (67324)


Proč by to tam rvali pod 350, vždyť to nemá logiku, titul je volatilní, ale již brzy se otočí trend a Čez bude daleko nad 400, začne postupně zpevňovat.
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Téma: Akcie ČEZ
přečíst (0) 17.03.05 11:07  Ufoun  (67324)

Vnitřní hodnota akcie

Takou akcii, jako je dnešní ČEZ  vzhledem ku vnitřní hodnotě může pod 395 prodávat tak akorád blbec, který nemá přehled nebo  náladou na trzích dezorientovaný cizinec.
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Téma: Akcie ČEZ
přečíst (0) 17.03.05 10:04  Ufoun  (67324)

a jedeme

Na Uni byly uzavírány  dlouhé marginové pozice a teď se to řítí. U Čezu byla výše pozic na  margin v poměru ku Uni zanedbatelná, proto by případný prodej těchto pozic nemohl s kurzem nijak zvlášť zahýbat
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přečíst (0) 15.03.05 22:59  Ufoun  (67324)

Cílovka ING

Hmm, 105 plus 10.50 emisní ážio. Tak to mysleli. Cílovka.
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přečíst (0) 15.03.05 22:50  Ufoun  (67324)

Cílovka ING

A co ti inženýři z ING? Neměli nakonec pravdu v té cílovce? Bylo tam 105 - prodat!
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