Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele BDI

Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele BDI. Výpis příspěvků 1 až 4 (4)

Téma: Akcie ČEZ
přečíst (2) 15.03.13 14:11  BDI  (157331)

Zajímavý je ale vývoj indexu DJ Transportation Average který může indikovat budoucí vývoj - po dlouhé stagnaci posílil od konce loňského roku skoro o 30 %.

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Téma: Akcie ČEZ
přečíst (1) 15.03.13 14:08  BDI  (157331)

A CO BDI ZA 1M? http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/BDIY:IND


Why economists and stock market investors read it
Most directly, the index measures the demand for shipping capacity versus the supply of dry bulk carriers. The demand for shipping varies with the amount of cargo that is being traded or moved in various markets (supply and demand). The supply of cargo ships is generally both tight and inelastic—it takes two years to build a new ship, and ships are too expensive to take out of circulation the way airlines park unneeded jets in deserts. So, marginal increases in demand can push the index higher quickly, and marginal demand decreases can cause the index to fall rapidly. e.g. "if you have 100 ships competing for 99 cargoes, rates go down, whereas if you've 99 ships competing for 100 cargoes, rates go up. In other words, small fleet changes and logistical matters can crash rates..."[5] The index indirectly measures global supply and demand for the commodities shipped aboard dry bulk carriers, such as building materials, coal, metallic ores, and grains. Because dry bulk primarily consists of materials that function as raw material inputs to the production of intermediate or finished goods, such as concrete, electricity, steel, and food, the index is also seen as an efficient economic indicator of future economic growth and production. The BDI is termed a leading economic indicator because it predicts future economic activity.[6] Another index, the HARPEX, focuses on containers freight. It provides an insight on the transport of a much wider base of commercial goods than commodities alone. HARPEX is regarded as a Current-Activity Indicator, because it measures and charts the changes in freight rates for 'container ships.' Container ships typically carry a wide variety of finished goods from a multitude of sellers. These are factory output goods headed for retail markets, at the other end of the supply chain.[7] Other leading economic indicators—which serve as the foundation of important political and economic decisions—are often measured to serve narrow interests, and subjected to adjustments or revisions. Payroll or employment numbers are often estimates; consumer confidence appears to measure nothing more than sentiment, often with no link to actual consumer behavior; gross national product figures are consistently revised, and so forth. Unlike stock and bond markets, the BDI "is totally devoid of speculative content," says Howard Simons, an economist and columnist at TheStreet.com. "People don't book freighters unless they have cargo to move."[8]

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Téma: Akcie ČEZ
přečíst (1) 15.03.13 14:06  BDI  (157331)

A CO BDI ZA 1M? http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/BDIY:IND

Dosavadní doporučení: přečíst (1)
Vaše doporučení:

Téma: Akcie ČEZ
přečíst (2) 15.03.13 14:05  BDI  (157331)

A CO BDI ZA 1M? http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/BDIY:IND

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