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Příspěvky nebo odpovědi uživatele pattern. Výpis příspěvků 1 až 6 (6)

přečíst (1) 02.12.22 13:53  pattern  Gold22120zavinacgmail.com  (253088)

Řekne mi někdo kdo využil služeb instalatéra

Wall Street's Complexity versus Investors' Profits & Simplicity“Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple.” -- Pete SeegerAs a long-time trader, I am living breathing proof that simplicity and profits are positively correlated while complexity and profits are inversely correlated. In other words, as my 25 year investing career has jettisoned multiple methodologies and numerous indicators, my profits have became more regular and predictable while my losing ratio has diminished. This is the absolute antithesis of what Wall Street wants you to believe. Wall Street lives and breathes on complexity. They pitch derivatives of every variety and alternative funds for specific self-serving reasons. 1. They want to convince investors that it’s far too complicated for them to manage their own money – therefore, the wisest decision is for investors to just give it to Wall Street managers instead.2. They try to assure you that with this complexity come “insider” rates of returns and big profits. But then can you explain to me why so many university endowments and retirement funds are closing out their hedge fund positions? Because the returns have not justified the risks, losses and complexity.3. Wall Street loves to use the cliché, “you get what you pay for” as justification for higher fees. So then, can you explain to me again why so many academic studies have concluded that no load mutual funds outperform advisor-recommended loaded mutual funds? The fact is that investors often do not get what they pay for. gold signalThe catalyst for this week’s rant is that I cleaned out a closet with my old trading binders from over 20 years ago and was stunned by two observations. The first thing I realized was that I had been so vulnerable to believing Wall Street’s siren song of complexity. The second thing was that it was obvious my trading methodology back then was unnecessarily complicated. To most individual investors, it seems counterintuitive when I preach my doctrine of simplicity, but it is precisely this simplicity that empowers you to outperform the professional money managers. Layer on top of that my other sermon that no one will manage your money with the same passion and commitment as you yourself and you have the magic ingredients for achieving consistent success as a stock market investor.gold signalsWall Street is based on its own version of Yin & Yang as opposites and contrary forces are actually interconnected and interdependent. In simplest terms, the market is made up of buyers and sellers, load and no load funds, passive and managed strategies. The complexity and simplicity paradigm is just another example. Much like life, one must decide to embrace the light or the dark, the hot or the cold, the high or low. So too, as an investor, you must choose between the dichotomies that Wall Street offers you.I am simply sharing the experiences of my own journey as an investor. As I embraced the mantra of simplification in my investment methodology and my trading tools, my net worth grew. My relatively small basket of 10 technical indicators and the Tensile Trading approach that I’ve written so much about are living testimonials to this mantra.Albert Einstein famously said, “If I had one hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and five minutes implementing the solution.” If you were in a life threatening situation and had only one hour before it proved fatal, what would you do? Einstein said he’d spend his time wisely asking probing questions to understand the problem in depth. Having done that, he’d only need 5 minutes to address the issue. Many new investors I meet in my classes totally flip around Dr. Einstein’s approach. They have an unstoppable inclination to jump right into the market, metaphorically speaking. They’ll trade impulsively for the first 55 minutes and then allocate the last 5 minutes trying to figure out what just happened.Humor me, please. Just go with this. Place your hands on the table, turn down the lights and let’s invite Albert Einstein to our séance to give us his advice. If it was indeed possible to “channel” him, I suspect he would suggest approaching the market’s first 55 minutes more like this:gold trading strategyYou have accumulated certain assets. Ask yourself if they are safe. Dr. Einstein would challenge you to address asset protection, first and foremost. Issues such as insurance, estate planning, identification theft, tax planning, record keeping and the like. You have to secure what you’ve got.Next, he would ask if you had thought through personal money management questions and committed yourself to a personal trading plan in writing. It’s shocking how few investors actually do this. Einstein’s objective here would be to make certain you grasp the full scope of the problem.

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přečíst (0) 02.12.22 13:51  pattern  Gold22120zavinacgmail.com  (253088)

Wall Street's Complexity versus Investors' Profits & Simplicity

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přečíst (0) 02.03.22 16:43  pattern  gold22120zavinacgmail.com  (241855)

Financial Advisors Were Grateful

Financial Advisors Were Grateful

ging year, as financial advisors and their clients have had to navigate unprecedented issues. We asked several of our top advisors to share what had been most meaningful for them during 2020 and how it has shaped their professional outlook.

“I'm incredibly grateful for a supportive team of colleagues, amazing clients, and the ability to continue to use creativity when it comes to inspiring people to make smarter choices with their money. The best moments with my clients have been sprinkled throughout the year. Many clients checked in on me as often as I've checked in on them throughout the pandemic. Some of my favorite moments have come when I've been able to educate about the benefits of donor-advised funds and how they can be leveraged in a family gifting strategy. There really have been bright moments throughout all of this. —Mary Beth Storjohann, Founder of Workable Wealth

“Professionally, I am most grateful to be a symbol of possibility for the many people across continents—regardless of race, region, or creed—that with faith, work, and discipline, you can design the life of your dreams. Onward.” —Dasarte Yarnway, Founder & Managing Director of Berknell Financial Group

“I'm most grateful for the health of our clients, team, and families during this challenging year. I'm also grateful for gaining confidence to get more personal and vulnerable with clients—something I've always struggled with. As a result, one of my favorite moments with clients was the overwhelming support for my three-year-old son who had to have emergency surgery during the first wave of the pandemic. There is no better profession in the world and I'm feeling extra thankful this year for being a part of it.” —Taylor Schulte, Founder & CEO of Define Financial

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 “I appreciate the amazing clients that have placed their trust and confidence in me and the financial planning process. I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such special people and help them navigate challenging times while planning for their important milestones.” —Marguerita Cheng, CEO of Blue Ocean Global Wealth

“Professionally, I am most grateful for an amazing staff and partnerships that have helped make an inherently challenging year easier. They say business is about your people and that if you take care of them, they will take care of you. I find this to be especially true in 2020. The best moments with my clients have been the ones where we didn’t talk about finances and shared stories of raising kids during a pandemic. I can’t think of a better way to have connected with them.” —Douglas Boneparth, President of Bone Fide Wealth

“Despite the craziness of 2020, there is plenty to be thankful for. I'm thankful that my family, my team, and my clients have all remained healthy during the pandemic. Professionally, I'm thankful for my peers—without The AGC™ and my friends from around the profession, navigating the year would have been lonely and much harder. This year has provided time for reflection, which I've found has allowed clients to really examine what is most important to them. I've had numerous conversations with clients where we've refocused their financial plans to allow them to align their values with their plan—these conversations are always fun and lead to a financial plan that will have a greater impact on their lives.” —Justin Castelli, CEO of RSL Wealth Management

“I’m most grateful for the wonderful community of financial advisors who have kept me sane through a challenging year through their support and camaraderie. I’m in a coaching program, two masterminds, and also tap into the #Fintwit community on Twitter—they all made this year better. This year, I primarily met with clients via Zoom. To my surprise, instead of creating distance with clients, Zoom seemed to create an atmosphere for more sharing and conversation. I feel closer to my clients than pre-COVID and feel like I know them even better than before.” —Cathy Curtis, Founder & CEO of Curtis Financial Planning

Judging by these moments of gratitude, it’s clear that the financial advisor community is as strong as ever and that advisors have had a significant impact on your clients’ lives during the unprecedented turmoil of 2020.


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Téma: Akcie AVAST
spíše nečíst (1) 15.02.22 22:40  pattern  gold22120zavinacgmail.com  (241223)

RIA Benchmarking Study Means


RIA Benchmarking Study Means


 In our recent webinar, we spoke with Lisa Salvi, vice president of Business Consulting and Education for Schwab Advisor Services, to discuss the findings of the 2020 RIA Benchmarking Study and highlight the factors underlying that growth.

The Importance of a Strategic Plan

Currently in its 14th year, the RIA Benchmarking Study is one of the leading studies in the industry and features findings from 1,010 advisory firms representing $1.1 trillion in AUM.

Conducted between January and March of 2020, the study found that advisors started the year in a position of strength following the longest bull market in recent history. Surprisingly, many firms continued to see ongoing growth even during the worst periods of volatility in March.

“Advisors are used to innovating... and I think that’s one of the things in this COVID world that has helped to set them up for success,” explains Salvi, emphasizing that a keen focus on client experience has made a crucial difference during a period of extreme uncertainty. “We saw people pivot their business model very rapidly and serve their clients extraordinarily well throughout this time period.”

One of the biggest predictors of success for many firms has been a clear and actionable strategic plan. In fact, 75% of the top-performing firms in the study had these plans in place before the start of the pandemic and have been able to adapt to challenges more effectively as a result. According to Salvi, a comprehensive strategic plan should include a long-term vision, SWOT analysis, a purpose, and a value proposition. She also emphasizes that firms of all sizes can benefit from having one.


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Persona Targeting Can Yield Significant Results


To create those personas, firms need to take into account the demographic and psychographic characteristics of their ideal clients and understand what matters to those clients and what they value. For firms that are still in the early stages of growth, Salvi suggests that it’s okay to take on clients outside of those ideal personas, as long as there is some overlap with the key demographic they aim to serve.


A focused business model that focuses on ideal client personas and a strategic plan can give your firm a clear sense of direction and a predictable growth trajectory. Best of all, it can help you navigate periods of volatility and still come out on top.


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spíše nečíst (1) 26.01.22 22:52  pattern  gold22120zavinacgmail.com  (240116)

Americký ministr zahraničí se Sergejem zametl

What Is a Class C ShareIn comparison, a front-end load carries charges paid when the shares are bought and a back-end load assesses charges when the investor sells shares; and no-load funds contain no commission charges at all, with the fees simply calculated into the net asset value (NAV) of the fund.Class-C mutual fund shares charge a level sales load set as fixed percentage assessed each year.This can be contrasted with front-load shares that charge investors at time of purchase and back-end loads that charge at time of sale.Because the annual fee can compound investor cost over time, this class of fund is best-suited for those looking to hold fund shares for periods of 3 years or less.The Basics of Class C SharesCompared to other mutual fund share classes, class C shares often have lower expense ratios than class B shares. However, they have higher expense ratios than class A shares. Expense ratios are the overall annual management costs of running a mutual fund. As a result, Class C shares may be a good option for investors with a relatively short-term horizon, who plan to keep the mutual fund for just a few years.The ongoing charges that constitute the C-share level load are officially known as 12b-1 fees, named from a section of the Investment Company Act of 1940. Total 12b-1 fees are capped at 1% annually. In this 1% fee, distribution and marketing expenses can be up to 0.75%, while service fees max out at 0.25%. Although designated for marketing, the 12b-1 fee primarily serves to reward intermediaries who sell a fund's shares. In a sense, it's a commission paid by the investor to the mutual fund every year, instead of a transactional onehttps://www.gold-pattern.com/en Forex trading Signals Free Forex Signals forex signals Other mutual fund share classes come with 12b-1 fees too but to different degrees. Those fees charged to class A shares usually are lower, compensating for the high upfront commissions this category pays. C-shares tend always to pay the maximum 1% and, since 12b-1 fees figure into the mutual fund's overall expense ratio, their presence can push that annual expense ratio above 2% for the class C-shareholder.Unlike A-shares, class C shares do not have front-end loads, but they often carry small back-end loads, officially known as a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), just as class B shares carry. However, these loads for C shares are much smaller, typically only around 1%, and they usually vanish once the investor has held the mutual fund for a year.Who Should Invest in Class C Shares?Because of the back-end load charged on short-term redemptions, investors who plan to withdraw funds within a year may want to avoid C-shares. On the other hand, the higher ongoing expenses associated with C-shares make them a less-than-ideal option for long-term investors.The differences in final values of investments with varying fees can be immense when held for a substantial period—say, in a retirement fund. For instance, take a $50,000 investment in a fund that returns 6% and charges annual operating fees of 2.25%, that is held for 30 years. The final amount the investor will receive will equal $145,093.83. A fund with the same amount invested and the same annual returns, but with yearly operating fees of 0.45% will offer the investor significantly more, with a final value of $250,832.55.Class C shares would work best for investors planning to keep the fund for a limited, intermediate period, optimally more than one year but less than three. That way, you hold on long enough to avoid the CDSC, but not so long that the high expense ratio will take a major toll on the fund's overall return.Forex trading Signals

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